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How To Attach Js File In Asp.net Rating: 6,9/10 8712 reviews
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How Do I: Add JavaScript to An ASP.NET Page. 2 minutes to read. Contributors. In this article by In this video Chris Pels will show how to include JavaScript to an ASP.NET page for use on the client page to provide a richer and more robust user experience.

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How do you add Javascript file programmatically to the user control? I want the user control to be a complete package - ie I don't want to have to add javascript that. Work with static files in ASP.NET Core. Static files, such as HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript, are assets an ASP.NET Core app serves.

First, see how to include JavaScript directly within an ASP.NET page and reference the script from within HTML page elements. Next, see how to abstract the JavaScript to an external JavaScript file which offers the advantage of being cached by the browser and can be used by multiple pages. Lastly, learn how to add JavaScript to a page dynamically at runtime which has the advantage of including script for a specific situation or where information such as a control ID is not known until runtime. As part of the dynamic script sample see how to add JavaScript that can be automatically executed when the page loads as well as the click event for button controls (Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton).

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In the PageLoad method of control.ascx.cs file: LiteralControl jsResource = new LiteralControl; jsResource.Text = '; Page.Header.Controls.Add(jsResource); HtmlLink stylesLink = new HtmlLink; stylesLink.Attributes'rel' = 'stylesheet'; stylesLink.Attributes'type' = 'text/css'; stylesLink.Href = 'css/mini-template-control.css'; Page.Header.Controls.Add(stylesLink); This will load css and Javascript into the head tag of the main page, just make sure that the head has runat='server'. You can register client script includes using the ClientScriptManager. Page is accessible through the Control.Page property. One year post bac programs.

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude ( typeof ( MyControl ), 'includeme.js', 'js/includeme.js' ); EDIT: Sorry, for a total 'complete package', its possible using scripts as Embedded Resources, and aquire dynamic URL's through the WebResource.axd handler. If this is not considered totally complete, then i guess it could be put in AppLocalResources, but it never gonna be just one file, unless the code and script is inline.