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Neopets Referral Program Guide Rating: 9,9/10 2780 reviews

Regular Players There are three ways you can refer people.Personalized link: neopets.com/refer.phtml?username=YOUR USERNAME HERE -Premade buttons and banners. Neo provides the html for these. They can be found here: neopets.com/banners.phtml -Neobadges. These can be found here: neopets.com/neobadge.phtml So what’s the point of referring? You get rewards, of course! The prizes you receive are accumulative, so you at each specified amount of referrals, you will get the corresponding reward.

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Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! 'New' Referral System - posted in Neopet General Chat: I got one referral from creating a new account and it revealed the prize.

For example, if I referred 1 person, and then 1 more, I would receive 100nps and then another 200nps. Prize list- taken directly from Neo’s referral page. 1: For the first signup, you will receive 100 neopoints. 2: For the second signup, you will receive 200 neopoints.

3: For the third signup, you will receive 500 neopoints! 5: For 5 signups, you will receive a randomly selected Rare Item OR 1,000 neopoints!

7: For 7 signups, you will receive a randomly selected Bottled Faerie. 10: For 10 signups you get a One Dubloon Coin, which can be used for many things on Krawk Island. 15: For 15 signups you get a random Codestone, which can used at the Training School! 20: For 20 signups, all of your pets will gain a level. (cool!) 25: For 25 signups you get a Five Dubloon Coin, which can be used to do MORE things on Krawk Island! 30: For 30 signups, you will be richly blessed by a set of Bottled Faeries! 40: For 40 signups you get loads of Codestones!

These mystical stones will help your pet at the Training School to become a Grand Master! 50: For 50 signups, you will receive a randomly selected basic colour Paint Brush!! 75: For75 signups gets you a SUPER RARE ITEM, one that you can probably sell for thousands!!! 100: For 100 signups you will receive a MEGA RARE randomly selected exotic coloured Paint Brush!!! You can keep track of how many people you’ve referred and who’s inactive or frozen here: neopets.com/referralslist.phtml Seeing as you don’t have to do much except post your link places and ask people sign up, I’d say it’s pretty worth it to get referrals.

Premium Players It’s a little easier to get rare items referring premium member because of you’re making tnt a lot of money. The plus side to premium referrals is that Neopets does not always allow people to sign up on their own, meaning they need to be invited by a current premium member (You!). You refer people by inviting people to join premium. To invite someone, go to PortalQuick LinksRefer a friend. Then fill in the name of the person you’d like to refer and they will be sent a Neomail with sign up instructions. You have a limited amount of referrals (10), so make sure the person you’re inviting is serious about buying premium. You cannot refer others until your 15 day trial period is over.

Prize list: In order to receive your reward, the person referred must continue the premium service after the 15 day trial has ended. 1st Referral: 1000 np and 10 random Codestones 2nd Referral: Lucky Space Faerie Charm Randomly doubles your NP award from a flash game. 3rd Referral: Paint Brush.

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PART ONE: INTRO Ladies and gentlemen, let me start by saying this: If you’re looking for millions of NPs in only a few hours, this guide isn’t meant for you. This guide is meant for people who have tried a SSer, an AoBer, or an APer and are looking for another nice way to earn some extra cash. The main meaning of this guide is to show the prizes for the UPDATED Referral Program (nowhere else to be found on the internet, not the updated one) and secondly to show you guys how it’s done. What you should know about the Neopets Referral Program, is that it’s much like a Money Tree Grabbing program. Granted, you can get a bit of money, but as I explained in the previous paragraph, don’t expect millions in an hour’s work. This’ll take time. So, now allow me to explain what this Referral Program is.

Ever been scammed before? You know, when you were younger and more naive? You saw people posting messages on the good-old MSN boards (back when they still existed), saying like: “if you click this link – – and sign up there, a Royal Paint Brush will MAGICALLY appear in your inventory. Some people really believed it, actually. But my point is actually that the scammer was merely trying to do the hard (and, if I may say so, unfair) way what we are going to do now. The Referral Program is simple.

You get somebody (a friend, a brother, your girlfriend, your father, etc) to enter the above link in their browser (you know, the neopets.com/refer.phtml?username=. link) and sign up an account, and you would get one point. One point per sign-up.

And per sign-up you would get nice prices, ranging from 500 (or 100, as it was back in the day) to a couple of millions of NPs. Ultimately, you’d need 500 people to sign up with your referral link to get the ultimate prize. A BIT MORE IN-DEPTH NOW Ok, so, here’s a few pictures of the prizes you will win with it: Obviously, I will update the remaining three (300-500) as soon as I unlock the rest. Now, as you can see, one friend having signed up in your name means you get 500 NPs.

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Well, technically, 600 NPs. You see, for each signup, you get 100 NPs. Not much, I grant you, but when you’re on your way to 500 signups, that number may well become 50K NPs, from signups alone, and you still haven’t counted the prizes yet. Of course, there is a catch. TNT is stupid, but not that stupid. It’s not like you can just use two browsers, one with your main account (the account to which all other accounts will refer to) and the other browser with the whole referral process, unfortunately. You can only do one referral per IP.

Luckily, there are ways to bypass all this. Like I said before, TNT isn’t that stupid, but they’re still stupid.

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😛 OK, SO HOW DO WE SLIP PAST TNT’S SECURITY? So, there are two ways of bypassing the IP limit Neopets has put on the Referral Program. 1) Only in case you have a Dynamic IP address, you can reset it 2) if you don’t have a Dynamic IP address, there’s always proxies.

Now I’ll explain both of them a bit more in-depth. 1) resetting your IP address (if you have a Dynamic IP address) Actually, for this, there are two ways: A) The hardware way B) The software way A) The hardware way: This one is actually quite simple. First, go here: and remember the IP (the bit of numbers) that’s on top of the page.

You go to your Modem/Router and press the little Reset button. Sometimes you may need a ballpoint pen to press the little button, your little pinkie might not be small enough. 😛 The lights will all go out, this is normal. Then, one by one, slowly, they’ll return to normal again.

Once they do, go to the above link again and check if it’s changed, it should. If not, try method 2).

B) The Software way: 1) Go to your start menu and select “run” from the programs menu. In the open line type in “command” and press enter. 2) You will soon see a black box pop up and a blinking cursor will appear.

Do not be scared because you have a box you have never seen before. Everything is normal. Type “ipconfig” and press enter. 3) The box will display your current IP settings. If you need to know this information, there it is for you to see. Now it is time to reset the IP address.

Type in “ipconfig/release”. 4) You will notice your internet connection will be lost. Now you will need to renew it.

Type in “ipconfig/renew”. You have now renewed your IP address. Type “exit” to exit the window. Your internet connection should now be back up. Quite simple, wasn’t it?

2) Using Proxies: Unfortunately, using proxies is a whole lot more complicated, and takes a whole lot more time. If you want a good and decent guide on how to use Proxies, here you go: But in this guide I’ll be using Yup, that’s right, hide my ass. 😛 OK, NOW I KNOW ALL ABOUT PROXIES & RESETTING MY ROUTER. Good, now you know everything you need to know. Only thing left for me to do is to show you how to put all that knowledge into work, or rather, how to convert your knowledge into NPs.

So, let’s start, shall we? That’s the HideMyAss homepage, freshly loaded.

Now we’ll finetune this. NOTE: obviously, if you have a Dynamic IP address, you can skip this whole proxies part.

So, first of all Select a country near to you (in this case, I took the USA, but as you’ll see later, I’ll have chosen Germany instead as it’s much much closer to me and thereby every site loads faster) All the things I put a rectangle around, like Socks4/5, Anonymity Level, Speed and Connection time, check out everything that’s rectangled. The option Sort by lets you choose how to sort everything. The default option gives you the newest proxies, but you can also sort them on connection speed, for example, so you (theoretically) get the fastest speeds first. After everything’s customized to your liking, press the Update Results (yellow) button. And that’s what you get. Now, Copy the first IP address in the list (read: select it using your mouse and press CTRL+C) and REMEMBER THE PORT NUMBER WELL! (it’s only four digits so it should be pretty easy to remember for like 10 seconds.

😛 ) Now, in FireFox (FireFox is best used for this, as IE and Chrome (which is my favorite) don’t have the option to manually configure proxies (read: if you change proxies in Chrome you’ll do the same for IE so the Referral Program won’t ever work that way)), go to Extra, Options, as show below: I know this is pretty much a repeating of my Proxies guide, but one can’t give enough information when creating a guide. Oh, as the picture suggests, forgive me for the Dutch interface, but “Geavanceerd” means Advanced, and the Instellingen button means Settings. They still look the same though, you’ll get the picture. Be sure to choose the last option (Manual Proxy Configuration), and paste the IP address you just copied from HideMyAss.com into the first textbox. Secondly, type in the Port number you had to remember (and yup, now you can forget the number. 😛 ) After that, just press the OK button or press the Return/Enter key. Now, suppose this is my Main account.

The account where all the prizes go, the account where every new account will refer to. Select and copy the rectangled address (obviously, WITH the username attached to it, I had to blacken it out), and paste it in FireFox, in another tab. (FYI: I’m running my Main in Chrome and my referral account in FireFox) Pretty straight-forward. Just fill everything in as asked. Just a little hint, try a long name you’re familiar with that isn’t too obvious, and add one digit after it. Like: gingerfarm1.

For the next referral, if gingerfarm1 hasn’t been used before, you can use gingerfarm2, for the next referral gingerfarm3, and so on and so on. Also pretty straight forward. NOTE however, that the Country in this page should be EQUAL to the country you chose from the Proxy list in HideMyAss. Or in human words: Neopets should think we’re actually from Germany (in this example, at least). Except it’s our Proxy that’s German, not us. The previous image shows the next step.

So, what we gotta do, is to create a new Tab in FireFox, and in the address bar, type in:Guerillamail is a Temporary Email solution (read: an email you only keep for about an hour or less, mostly used for spam-reasons) I use guerillamail all the time for Neopets-related things. If all I want is to create a new account and I know I’ll never need the registration email ever again, Guerillamail is what I’d use. Or any other Temporary Email solution. But be aware, TNT has disallowed the greatest part of them, so we’re actually quite lucky that Guerillamail isn’t yet disallowed. Now, just press the Copy to Clipboard button to copy this weird email address. Now, in the next step: You can easily paste it (using CTRL+V or using the right-click mouse button).

Leave the checkbox alone, unless you want TNT to know you’re using a fake email. Well, not exactly fake, but in an hour or so, this email address won’t exist anymore. And I’m pretty sure TNT knows when it is sending Newsletters to email addresses that don’t exist. Pressing Next will bring you to the next screen: This is all random. Just leave it at what it is, except ofcourse if it’s Cybunny Day or something like that. Just give the pet a random name (like gingerfarm1) and press Next. Click your Inventory, after which you will see the red Activate-Me-Now-annoyance standing.

Go to the other tab, the one with Guerillamail in it, and yup, there is your activation email, sent by TNT. Just clicking it will lead you to this screen: As the picture suggests, copy the activation code, and paste it where the next screen shows: Press the Activate My Account button to be rid of it, and now go back to your own Main account, and at the bottom of the page, click the Referral Program link. Now, in your case, if you haven’t done this before, I reckon you have zero referrals made. Zero sent, and zero accepted, that’s what the page should say. Now, in my case, I’ve obviously done it a couple of times before, so mine shows I have 50 accepted referrals, as shown below: And right enough, after we went through this whole process, here’s a toast to 51 accepted referrals: LAST WORD BEFORE YOU GO TRY IT OUT Now, before you actually go try it out, allow me to keep your expectations realistic. Using proxies, I have been busy with this for almost a full day non-stop. And that only got me to 50-51 accepted referrals.

So don’t go trying it out expecting to raise millions in only a matter of seconds, or even hours. But still, extra money is extra money, always handy.

Oh and erm, just follow the last picture here to be able to rinse and repeat: Press the Forget Me button, then go to the Address bar, and remove the #email part, as shown in this picture.